Enrolment validity: Lifetime
Total 70 Ratings
6 months ago
Assessment made easy..Thanks for improving Assessment skill..And thanks sir for motivating..Thank you.
6 months ago
Thank you Ma'am for making our Assessment skill better. Your explanation is very easy to understand. Thank you Sir for making our dilemma clear. Which is definitely going to help us to decide what not to do and how to focus on one thing rather than going for many courses.
8 months ago
Thank you for making assessment strategic and short with all the necessary tests to reach the diagnosis. The best part of this video is the difference between medical and PT diagnosis.
8 months ago
Business skills and professional skills both hv been updated so well .Thank you Sir and mdam for this one of a kind course
9 months ago
Very informative
11 months ago
Thank you so much, ma'am and sir, for explaining all parameters, tests, and measures in a very effective and easy-to-understand manner.
11 months ago
Very Informative Video by Mam. Well explained and demonstrated.
Very Motivational session by Sir.
11 months ago
Detailed explanation on how take assessment.Thank you ma'am for also explaining about the PT diagnosis.
1 year ago
examination part explained it very well. thank you so much
1 year ago
Well explained difference between medical and physiotherapy diagnosis. thank you
1 year ago
Very well explained 👍🏼 Thank you!
1 year ago
This lecture well explained ..... Detailed explaination is given in a proper way.
2 years ago
THE way madam explain test n measures was easiest to understand and perform which will help physios to do quick assessment and go for treatment in standard way .what sir was given is million dollar tips to scale your practice .
thank you to both of you.
2 years ago
Thank you so much Mam and Sir for taking initiative for physios like us to upscale our profession and business skills. Very well explained!
2 years ago
Well explained session ...stepwise assesment
2 years ago
Great learning according profession and according business.
Thank you
2 years ago
Excellent technical and business session. Loved every part of it.
2 years ago
It's really helpful to understand very simple and easy way for making protocol for any neck related issues.
2 years ago
Well structured and informative session by Dr. Priyanka- lots of details provided about assessment methods.
Business management session by Kirron sir is excellent- gives very good perspective about out of the box thinking.
Thank you.
2 years ago
Very informative session
2 years ago
Very systematic explanation of assessment by maam and sir's way of making things understand is awesome.. thanks a lot both of you..
2 years ago
Very well demonstrated
2 years ago
Very nicely explained all test measures. I never found it so simple.. thank mam for this detailed information..
2 years ago
thank you mam for teaching us so simply way .....for me now i hv so much confidence for treating neck conditions very easily by using these test n measures ......thank u mam
2 years ago
Neck Assessment part is excellent ma’am. It’s really appreciative. All important differential diagnosis are covered smartly and step by step methods of application of special tests . It is easier to make diagnosis whether problem origin is in shoulder or neck or wether it is cervical canal stenosis or just nerves mobility affected . Also vertigo condition is addressed in this assessment. Thank you so much ma’am . Also Kirron sir’s business scale up session is excellent. Your Analysis of movie video clip in business point of view is jus incredible 👍👍👍
2 years ago
Well explained about PT Diagnostic technics Evaluation for Neck.
2 years ago
Mam Wonderfully taught ,how to assess , evaluate neck issues in a manner which I feel I will be able to remember forever.Today I came to know what's the difference between pathological diagnosis and a Physiotherapy diagnosis.Never thought that way. Lessons sir taught today with a video was so impactful.
At last sir told ,that whatever choices you make , they make you,they help you build.and I m happy that I am becoming better at making choices which are going to Help me grow through every lesson from this Enriching course.Grateful 🙏
2 years ago
Nice session.. .. It's easy for assessment of patients.. Thank you sir n ma'am
2 years ago
This session is very imformative. Mam explained assesment in a easy way, Topic is explained by mam and sir is very good in a very simple and short manner. And the example given by sir is very well explained step by step.
3 years ago
This was amazing session and explaination. The test were easy to perform and very easy to make the patient do. Making diagnosis was very helpful. Learnt lot of new things. the video shown at last was stupendofantubulosly fantastic. Learnt about how to be passionate about things which you want to do in life, business strategies and lot more. Thanks a lot sir and mam for this course.
3 years ago
Very nicely explained the neck assessment part also the importance of pt diagnosis n overall it was very informative n knowledgeable.
Thank you ma'am and sir very much greatful to be a part of this course.
3 years ago
Amazing session. Learnt many new things. Neck joint test and measures session by Priyanka mam ,made me to learn many new things. Business Scale up session by Kironn sir was an eye opener. Gaining confidence in me day by day. Thank you Mam and Sir
3 years ago
Excellent!!session covered by mam . Very deep and thorough examination , assessment part of neck which understood it easily thank u so much mam for giving knowledge ❤
Kirron sir's ideas, business strategies and motivation is mind blowing thank u so much sir 🙏 💯with lots of gratitude 🙏 ❤
3 years ago
Excellent coverage of evaluation, diagnosis by Dr.Priyanka
Thank you so much Kiron sir for sharing and explaining the business growth ideas
3 years ago
Enjoyed the assessment part, well summarised and demonstrated.
3 years ago
Nicely explained assessment parameters for neck joint and importance and difference of PT Diagnosis from pathologic diagnosis and wonderful explanation of video for growth mindset👍🙏
3 years ago
Thank you so much for sharing the knowledge in such a crisp and to the point. Growth mindset in addition to skill development⚡️.
3 years ago
Precise explanation of full PT examination. She encourages to Focus on Basics of Physiotherapy and its application in Clinical practice. Assessment explained nicely in detail.
3 years ago
Very well explained and systematic approach. Grateful that im part of this program. On the way to my growth journey. Thanku mam and sir.
3 years ago
Ma'am has Explained the assessment in a clear and a structured manner. It helped me to have a structured framework in mind before assessing. Amazing tips given by sir at the end. Short and powerful.
3 years ago
thnk u for the session. very systematic assessment. learnt new tests as well.. assessments are always lengthy and time consuming but with ur strategy everythin imp gets covrd and makes assessment less time consuming as well..
3 years ago
A very detailed session on evaluation as well as full of practical knowledge on various business strategies.. Thank you so much Ma'am n Sir.
3 years ago
Very informative session which helped us to know the importance of PT diagnosis. Assessment parameters which has to be targeted to gain better results.
Sir's session was very useful regarding the business stratergies and small observations and details that are very important for our long term growth.
3 years ago
i have never learn IN detail abt neck joint up to dis level...thank u ma'am and sir is giving us too much practical knowledge abt business strategies......
3 years ago
Nicely explain each and every aspect of Physiotherapy business and treatment.
3 years ago
Thank you ma'am for detailed neck assessment and soap explanation and thank you sir for Changing mindset of us that replace yourself ,scaling is important ,use opportunities in problem and different strategies in business ,having vision of 10 -20 years ahead ,think long term ,so much learning , Highly recommended to streamline your vision,life changing course , Thank you sir and ma'am
3 years ago
very well explained
3 years ago
the best and in very detailed way everything was explained neatly and in crystal clear way. hats off to the team...
3 years ago
Excellent demonstration that will help me lots in my clinical practice..
3 years ago
Very informative session mam taught everything in step by step in very simple way.very helpful and effective.thankyou
3 years ago
I have got great learning here. Maam have explained detail assessment of neck jt in very easy and simple way. Thankyou soo much ma'am and sir for guiding us.
3 years ago
Neck assessment well explained , especially the special tests. Thank you mam for quick & easy method to come to a PT diagnosis.
And the last 3 mns vedio was a bonus. 🙂. Beautiful explanation of the business strategies by sir , which are never taught in our syllabus.👍
3 years ago
Thank you mam for explaining all test and measure in such easy way, thank you sir and mam for your guidance.
3 years ago
There are so many complex tests for nerve involvement. But this is the quick,easy method of neck assesment that can be applied clinically. Thank you maam and sir for your support and guidance!!!!
3 years ago
I cant believe that any one can explain of all test and measurs like that..I will just say wow
3 years ago
This much detailed Assessment I haven't found anywhere, Sir is installing Growth mind set, You are enriching Subject knowledge . Thank you madam and sir
3 years ago
Very good session , what is PT diagnosis , how should we comment , active tests for nerve involvement which was new to me,so nicely explained..a easy and quick way of assessment by ma'am. And sir's lecture- business skills explained so very well in each sentence in that 3 min video
3 years ago
Session was very informative... All parameters of neck jt. Assessment test nd measures are well explained step by step manner by dr. Priyanka ma'am ... Nd the portion of sir was very encourageble that the choice you make at present that makes you in future... Thank you both of you☺️...maam and sir
3 years ago
It was a very good session, ma'am taught very well and in detail, like sir told, people should recognize you by your work and results and not by money, it inspired me a lot, thanks to sir and ma'am.
4 years ago
It was a good presentation on assessment leading onto diagnosis, very clearly explained by Dr Priyanka mam. It is very important to have a clear idea of the structure involved before we start the treatment.
The scale-up tips, in the end, was valuable.
4 years ago
Well presented test n measures.clear explatn f short cut video for nerve involvement.session taken by sir made me compel to think in a broad manner.I learnt one thing from that session that we need to work on business skill for a long term success in our field.
4 years ago
It was again a great learning experience. Assessment part was well explained by ma'am through examples. The pace was good. About second part of the session, the 3 min video was amazing, came to know various facts about business scaling skills in a very interesting and understandable way. Plz keep enlightening us with your knowledge and experience through our journey, thanks again.. 😊
4 years ago
There is literally nothing that Mam must not have covered in each topic that she has explained to us. She has emphasized a lot on PT Assessment and PT Diagnosis which is extremely important and rather necessary which was least focused by anyone till now. So a big eye opener for physios.
4 years ago
Session was very good. Very detailed explanation of all parameters,test and measurs done by mam. Thanks mam n sir.😊
4 years ago
Session was just amazing Maam has key for every lock she said it right first you be fit then only people will believe you when you tell them to be fit. Sir session was wonderful he said life presents many choices and every choices you make makes you.
4 years ago
Step wise demonstration and teaching is very effectively done by Dr Priyanka mam. Thank you Kironn Sir for guiding us. well explained, amazing session.
4 years ago
Step by step Assessment is very effective and helpful.Thanks Leadphysio.
4 years ago
Very well explained. Correct test measure and their results shown very accurately and in simple form.
4 years ago
Mam has given detailed explanation about how and when to give grades in pain, MMT, Tightness etc. Also how to rule out whether it is nerve pain or muscle tightness is also explained very well. Thank you mam 🙂🙏🏻
4 years ago
Very informative videos
Enrolment validity: Lifetime
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