Enrolment validity: Lifetime
Knee Joint Test and Measures
Product Reccomendation
Total 68 Ratings
5 months ago
Excellent session…Maam has given us the golden mantra to keep a check on patients pain and how to not let it interfere with the treatment …Hats off to incredible knowledge
5 months ago
Very much Informative session. Cleared all the doubts regarding assessment of knee. Thank you Ma'am and Sir.
6 months ago
good and detailed session..
7 months ago
Amazing explanation and assessment. Different angle of thinking. Thank you sir n mam.
9 months ago
Informative sessions.All explained in details and with great passion.Truly admirable and inspiring
9 months ago
An informative session and an eye opening story by Sir . Gratitude to Sir and Madam for imbibing such positive and ethical qualities in all of us
12 months ago
very well explained mam and sir
1 year ago
Very well explained by mam and sir
1 year ago
A story to live by ...for a lifetime..
1 year ago
sir's session as he gave example and explained it beautifully is an eye opener for many...
2 years ago
Ma’am encourages you to think and foresee what else could lead to patients symptoms.
2 years ago
Everything explained in detail
2 years ago
Indeed another class of so much of information and eye opening session.
Mam thank you so much for sharing ur abundance of knowledge.
Supportive and corrective aids were amazing.
2 years ago
Another nice awareness session
Thanks sir
2 years ago
Very well explained.
2 years ago
Good sessions
2 years ago
Very informative session related to different kinds of aids....learnt very different and practical ways of assessing knee joint.....thanks
2 years ago
Very well provided information regarding the aids.
thank u.
2 years ago
Very well explained assessment and specially the do and don'ts for supportive aids was cherry of the session
2 years ago
Very informative session and very detailed knowledge about corrective and supportive aids thank u mam
2 years ago
Again a very informative Session. Many new things came to know about supportive aids, Splints and braces. Knee joint assessment is great and all additional information given by maam is amazing. Tq so much maam.
2 years ago
Very well explained. Brilliant session
2 years ago
Very informative session about knee joint assessment and Product recommendation is really very helpful for us , thank you so much Ma'am for this information .
2 years ago
Great session.. thank you for sharing your expertise...
2 years ago
Very informative session about knee joint assessment and test .... Product information is really need full knowledge for me...Now all clear about product recommendation according to condition . Thank you mam
2 years ago
Another wonderful session with in detail explanation
Thank you
2 years ago
What an experience of learning from the expert.Thanks ma'am for all the right teachings.
2 years ago
Great experience of learning.. Get to know about so many new things about what to advice n when to advice...
Thank you so much ma'am...
2 years ago
Suer informative session. You are great . These session knowledge was required and you have explained everything and every important points very well. Thanks a lot ma’am.
2 years ago
just say
2 years ago
Amazing session with lots of knowledge.
3 years ago
Thank you for such an insightful session for assessment,,,it was never felt so simplified yet detailed way to find the exact causes of pain,,,it will really help us a lot
3 years ago
Learnt new things from product recommendations. Learnt how knee joint assessment is interrelated with hip joint and the ankle joint, lot of new insight. Thank you mam
3 years ago
Very very detailed explanation...very informative session about supportive & corrective products for each joint .. Your Words will always be reminded while treating the patients...Thank you so much mam for this wonderful session....
3 years ago
Dr.Priyanka Thank you so much for this wonderful session
It's relatable to many of the experiences that we face and u covered them to grass root level
3 years ago
Again a wonderful session with lots of knowledge. Product recommendation thouroughly explained. Gaining the confidence to treat patients with test and measures and protocols. This even college has not taught us. Thanks a lot mam for your wonderful insights.
3 years ago
Ma'am always surprises with her knowledge in her every modules. The supportive and the corrective products to each joint was very informative.
3 years ago
Amazing session..... many doubts have cleared in this session. How we suppose to suggest product in which condition and how to taper off everything mam explained very well.... and same 4 knee jt. Assessment every single point is so important... the college has given us 50% u people completing another 50% to make it 100% knowledge....thank u so much mam
3 years ago
Very detailed session..
3 years ago
Great session and wonderful learnings imparted with such ease.. thNk u
3 years ago
Thank you ma'am for yet another insightful session. Using of appropriate corrective aids from the begining and taking care of pt for 24/7 with home protocol was very informative. Test and measures of knee joint was very detailed and clear.
3 years ago
nice and very deep information about Supportive aids and knee joint assessment.Very deep and each and every word of mam is important.thanks
3 years ago
Another wonderful season finished, thanks mam for showing such a wonderful exercise for knee,
3 years ago
Excellent session how to take care of patients 24 hrs. No one could actually think of. The depth in which mam has explained really amazing . The knee assessment as same as earlier explained in detail
3 years ago
Thanks sir n mem for this unvaluable information, every session are better n better thane before ,अभी तो हम सीख रहे है तब sir हर महीने रिवेन्यू डबल होता जा रहा है इस तरह पूरा सीखने के बाद की यात्रा के आनद का अंदाजा भी नही लगा पा रहे । एफर्ट भी बहुत कम हो गया है बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद sir n mem
3 years ago
Great session With detailed explanation of different braces and how they aid in improving your biomechanics,posture and gait ,and important is weaning , Every minute things are explained by maam with detailed knee joint assessment and all differential diagnosis
3 years ago
Thank you ma'am for teaching us how to advise product, and the time duration of same,and simple and easiest way of assessment of knee joint, Thank you so much
3 years ago
Excellent session how to take care of patients 24 hrs noone could actually think.not thought in any course or books.the depth in which mam has explained really incredible.
3 years ago
Very informative session ma'am ill just say wow
3 years ago
Good explanation of corrective and supportive aids.practical points added for assessment are also useful.
3 years ago
Great session… indeed anyone can get a thorough knowledge of all the supporting. Correction aids one can advice to their patients once you are well worse in this field your patients will have great faith in your complete recovery plan you suggest them
3 years ago
Great session about supportive aids... How the hollistic approach work...nd this hollistic approach necessary for pt. to get long term nd sustain recovery nd results .. knee jt. Test nd measures explain incredibly by ma'am... 24/7 How help the pt. to recover from the condition this initiative very helpful for pt. Thank you ma'am nd sir...
3 years ago
Another super awesome session by Priyanka ma'am..Need and use of supportive & Corrective aids in different patients is explained so well. Knee Joint assessment is superbly told.
Thank you Sir & Ma'am for this amazing workshop you have designed for US.
3 years ago
A very informative session. There are so many things which are important to treat root cause of any condition. We as a physiotherapist should take care of patients whole 24 hrs, to treat his condition and ma'am has explained it in very detail for each joint supportive and corrective aids. It adds value to our treatment. Thank you.
3 years ago
Very informative session
Thanks a lot
3 years ago
Very detailed explaination
3 years ago
Very informative session about supportive aids of physiotherapy. Very helpful to refresh the knowledge. And very practical things are mentioned that sometimes we may overlook may leads to ineffective treatment. Doing the work in holistically will give good results and give us satisfaction. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge selfless ly, thankful to you.
3 years ago
Very informative and interesting session
3 years ago
Very well explained about supportive and protective aids.
Detailed assessment of knee joint is very well explained
Thank you Dr priyanka
4 years ago
A very detailed explanation for supportive and corrective aids when and what to prescribe.
Mam also shared few cases and their effective management which was very helpful.
The knee assessment also explained very nicely by Mam.
4 years ago
Detailed explanation given on supportive and corrective aids, with this we will be able to take care of pts 24 hrs..knee jt assessment is in depth and superb!! Thank you so much mam for this session..
4 years ago
very informative session on how to manage the patient's symptoms not just for the time being but for total 24 hrs. with the help of supportive, corrective aids. Explained in very much depth . knee assessment explained very nicely . Thank you so much for the detail and soooo much informative session.
4 years ago
In depth explanation of corrective devices & supportive aids is given . when it should be recommend, in which conditions is explained beautifully with so many real life examples of the conditions. Also detailed assessment of knee joint was superb!! Thank you so much mam for such an informative session..
4 years ago
A detailed explanation of all the supportive and corrective aids and how it can be used for different conditions and holistically treat our clients not only in clinic but also at their home and work places.And the example of flamingo company's pillow really amazed me. Mam you are really great. The depth of concern you show them not only about physio part but also the type of aids they are using should be our responsibility. Explanation of knee joint was wonderful. Thank you
4 years ago
This session explained very well about the corrective, supportive splints and braces that can be prescribed to patients, Very well covered the detailed assessment of the knee joint. this sessions shows the real life experiences explained beautifully by Dr Priyanka mam. Well executed Thank you Dr Priyanka mam and much gratitude.
4 years ago
Very well explained in detail assessment of knee joint .explained very well about supportive aids .
4 years ago
Do and dont for supportive products like Ls belt very well explained
Test and measures for Knee joint
Additional information for scoliosis, polio like conditions
Explained in depth about importance of proper assessment . Thank you very much for such an informative session
4 years ago
An informative session with such an incredible way of managing the patient's symptoms 24 hrs in a way which no practitioner ever could think of. A treatment protocol never found in books with real life experiences shared by ma'am to make it more relatable. Truely unconventional and fully rewarding for the patient and also the doctor who desires to serve in the patient's best interest.
Enrolment validity: Lifetime
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